De "Zero Separation Tour Brussels" is een initatief van Noah's Ark Belgium in samenwerking met HUB Erasme/Huderf. Uw gastvrouwen zijn Dr. A. Vuckovic (HUB Huderf), Dr. D. Kelen (HUB Erasme), Mevr. E. Huet (HUB Erasme) & Mevr. L. van der Elst (Noah's Ark Belgium)
Engelse presentaties genieten simultaan vertaling naar het Frans en Franse presentaties genieten simultaan vertaling naar het Engels. (ON DEMAND).
09h00: Registration and welcome coffee
09h50: Parent testimonial (French)
10h00: Dr. Nils Bergman, Public Helth Physician, Karolinska Institute, Sweden: “Nurture Science a case for Zero Separation” (English)
11h00: Coffee break
11h20: Parent testimonial (French)
11h30: Dr. Stina Klemming, Senior Consultant in Neonatology, NIDCAP Trainer, Sweden “Immediate Skin to Skin & Couplet Care” (English)
12h30: Dr. Dorottya Kelen, Associate Chief of Staff & Mrs Emilie Huet, Head of Nursing HUB Erasme Neonatal Unit “Continuous skin-to-skin care and transfer: the TANDEM” (French)
13h00: Sandwich lunch
14h00: Dr. Anna Amoruso, Néonatologist, HUB HUDERF:
“Physiological Clamping of the Umbilical Cord” (French)
14h30: Parent testimonial (French)
14h40: Dr. Nathalie Charpak, Director of the Kangourou Foundation, Colombia:
“Premature baby, premature family, premature brain” (French)
15h40: Coffee break
16h00: Michel Collart, Ambassador of ESCNH: “Overview of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health” (French)
16h30: Olivier Baré, Director Modulo Architects
“Family Centered Hospital Architecture: learnings for the NICU” (French)
17h00: End
Doctors: 100 euro
Paramedics: 50 euro
Students: 25 euro*
* 30 first student registrants = free offered by Kid's Care
Simultaneous translations : 10 euro
Auditoire Lise Thiry
Campus HUB Erasme
Route de Lennik
1070 Anderlecht